The Anesthesia Insider Blog

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Is Hospital Employment Inevitable for Anesthesia Providers?

Is Hospital Employment Inevitable for Anesthesia Providers?
Summary The relationship between an anesthesia practice and the hospital administration can become challenging, especially when the negotiation of a hospital contract involves the determination of financial support. While it is true that sometimes the parties cannot come to terms and the administration must employ the providers, this is the e...
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Passing the Baton: Raising Up Leaders in Anesthesia Practices

Passing the Baton: 
Raising Up Leaders in Anesthesia Practices
Summary To maintain momentum, anesthesia groups must place a priority on preparing the next generation for leadership. How can that best be accomplished? Today's article provides some helpful suggestions. So many of the client groups we serve are fortunate to have strong and able leaders. We see evidence of this as we meet with our clients, listen...
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The Evolution of Acute Pain Management in Anesthesia

The Evolution of Acute Pain Management in Anesthesia
Incorporation of acute pain modalities within anesthesia practices has greatly expanded over the years, and this has brought positive changes in patient care and physician payment. However, where new techniques become "standard of care," adjustments in payment often follow.As the preeminent provider of outsourced anesthesia billing and management s...
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What is the Glue that Holds Anesthesia Practices Together?

What is the Glue that Holds Anesthesia Practices Together?
Summary The evolution of the speciality of anesthesia from individual private practices to group entities has resulted in a variety of interesting business models, including some of the most sophisticated corporate entities that now employ thousands of providers. Is aggregation the inexorable trend of the future? Maybe not. We are starting to see ...
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Transitioning to an Anesthesia EMR? Think System Modification First

​Although the majority of hospital-based ABC clients have implemented an electronic medical record, or plan to implement one in the near future, many of our ambulatory surgery center clients have been slower to move from paper to a digital platform. However, the transition is an inevitability for all practices. We review the essentials of a success...
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