Anesthesia Software Testimonials

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Customer Testimonials

  • ABC have been invaluable to our practice. In 2006 we transitioned from an employee to private practice model, and enlisted ABC to help us. They took us through the construction of practice, to successful contract negotiations involving income guarantees with hospital administration, as well as providing us with ongoing practice management. Their devotion to and expertise in the business aspects of anesthesia practice continue to be impressive. I heartily recommend them to any anesthesia business model.

    David G. Whalley, M.D., ChB

    Chief of Staff, Physicians Regional Health System - Department of Anesthesia, Naples, FL

  • ABC is a true business partner. They have provided the proactive solutions, insight, and expertise that keeps our practice thriving so we can continue to focus on the practice of medicine.

    Samir F. Fuleihan, M.D.

    Medical Director, University Pain Clinic - Department of Anesthesiology, Detroit, MI

  • We have partnered with ABC for the past 16 years. ABC has helped our corporation grow, prosper and succeed within the ever-changing landscape of medicine and anesthesiology. We have relied upon their advice, account collections and guidance repeatedly, and have never been disappointed. The service they provide us is truly exemplary and, as we have grown, we have convinced other groups to join with us and them, resulting in the creation of the largest physician-anesthesiologist group in Chicago and Illinois. This remarkable achievement helps to demonstrate their abilities and commitment to their clients. We have been approached numerous times throughout these past years from other billing companies, none of which have had a product that has been able to compare to ABC.

    David Rosen, M.D.

    Past President and Co-Founder, Midwest Anesthesia Partners
    Past President, Park Ridge Anesthesiology Associates