The Anesthesia Insider Blog

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How Hard Do Anesthesia Providers Work?

How Hard Do Anesthesia Providers Work?
Summary Anesthesia provider productivity is primarily determined by the level of activity and types of cases performed at a given facility. Complicated provider compensation schemes do motivate some providers to work especially hard, but in general they allow the majority of providers to work less hard than their colleagues who split the pie equall...
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Operating Room Utilization Versus Anesthesia Provider Productivity

Summary In an era of increasingly challenging negotiations between anesthesia practices and hospital administrators over subsidy requirements, it is becoming more difficult to justify additional financial support. Two issues that keep coming to the fore are operating room utilization and provider productivity. This study of shoulder cases puts the...
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Medical Scribes: A Pro or a Con in Pain Management and Anesthesia?

​Summary:  The use of medical scribes to handle computer-related tasks is rapidly growing in medicine. Should pain management and anesthesia practitioners use scribes? We explore the arguments for and against this growing trend. Though a recent Mayo Clinic survey of 5,400 physicians shows burnout has dropped slightly and satisfaction with...
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HR Essentials for Anesthesia Groups: Keys to Finding and Keeping the Best

In the current competitive environment, long-term relationships between anesthesia groups and healthcare organizations are no longer the given they once were, and success for anesthesia practices hinges on their resilience and adaptability as market conditions and hospital requirements change. A cohesive, united group is more likely to weather the ...
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