Hospital Contracting: New Rules for a New Era

Join Jody Locke, our Vice President of Anesthesia and Pain Practice Management, at his speaking engagement this month.Jody will be speaking on "Hospital Contracting: New Rules for a New Era" on March 17th at Washington State Society of Anesthesiologists Spring Scientific Meeting.  The meeting will be held at the Bell Harbor International Conference Center in Seattle, Washington. The talk will be focused on the changing rules of negotiating a contract with your hospital.  It is no longer a simple matter of calculating the amount of money needed in order to remain viable, but rather you must consider the fact that today’s hospital contract negotiations focus much more on a broader spectrum of business issues.  It is not enough to simply provide a service.  Hospitals today are looking for partners who bring added value to their institution.If you would like more details on how you can attend - please get in touch with us at  
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