Managing For Success Requires Managing Risk

Opportunity and risk. Risk and opportunity. Janus-like sides of the same coin. Of course, the greater the opportunity, the greater the risk. In a medical practice sense, anesthesiologists are surrounded by risk and are supremely aware of its existence. On a daily basis, you administer drugs that under other circumstances would be deadly. You’re also cognizant of the risk-reward analysis made by your patients in undergoing surgical procedures, as well as your own need to obtain informed consent from them. But many anesthesiologists are oblivious, or even averse, to the risk-reward duality in a business sense as it impacts their anesthesia group. In the group business context, success, that is, opportunity, is associated with the income side of the equation: increasing realized income per unit, increasing the number of well-reimbursed units generated, and increasing the amount of hospital stipend dollars received. Anesthesia groups are generally less impacted by the risk, or expense, side of the equation. But note the...
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