Re-Assessing Anesthesia Group Administration

From time to time anesthesia groups find that they need to reassess their administration or decision-making processes. This can involve everything from tinkering with how routine day-to-day administrative activities are carried out, to totally revamping the group’s governance structure.Reassessments can come about for a variety of reasons. There may have been a significant growth in the number of physicians or CRNAs, or an increase in the number of practice locations. The group may have encountered internal strife without adequate governance systems in place. The group may find itself incapable of making decisions or reaching consensus in a timely or efficient manner. A group may have relied too heavily upon busy physicians to carry out non-clinical duties, or one physician may (by choice or otherwise) be overburdened with administrative responsibilities.Issues in a Small Group. One of the assumed advantages of a smaller group is that it can function in a “more efficient” manner....
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