Attention Anesthesiologists: CMS Guidelines on Signatures and Check Boxes

It is a question asked quite often: Is marking a check box on the anesthesia record sufficient documentation?  For medical review and for billing purposes?Check boxes are a very convenient way to document services provided to a patient with minimal time spent dictating or writing out everything that is done.  We see check boxes on pre-operative assessments, anesthesia records and evaluation and management service (E&M) forms, just to name a few.  Templates increase the efficiency of the clinical documentation, but are they an acceptable form of documentation?On November 9, 2012, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued Transmittal 438, which provides some insight into CMS’ views on the use of templates in medical record documentation and the risks, as well as some guidance.In its Transmittal, CMS stated its position on the use of templates and check boxes:CMS does not prohibit the use of templates to facilitate record-keeping. CMS also does...
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