Giving Thanks for Anesthesiologists

Memorial Hospital—a hypothetical “Memorial Hospital”—considers itself extremely fortunate to have renewed its contract with Associated Anesthesiologists—a hypothetical “Associated Anesthesiologists”—for another three years.   Although one newly-formed anesthesia management company (AMC) and one freshly-capitalized market leader among AMCs have approached Memorial, the hospital let the anesthesia group know that it would not be entertaining any proposal.  If Memorial were to enumerate the attributes of Associated Anesthesiologists for which it is so grateful, the list would be as follows:1. Associated Anesthesiologists keeps the surgeons happy.Surgical volume is up slightly and the trend line is positive.  The last surgeon to approach hospital administration with a complaint about OR time and the service provided by the anesthesiologists herself left the area several years ago.  The rumor about the orthopedic surgeons building their own ambulatory surgery center pops up every year, but the chief of the service is not interested.2. Associated Anesthesiologists no longer receives income supplementation.The...
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