Sequester and What it Means to Anesthesiologists

Failure of the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction to reach agreement on $1.2 trillion in cuts to federal spending, has triggered automatic Federal budget cuts known as sequestration. The cuts were originally scheduled to go into effect January 2, 2013. Congress delayed implementation until March and President Obama signed the order late Friday evening, March 1.The 2% cut is evenly split between domestic and defense programs, with half affecting defense discretionary spending (weapons purchases, base operations, construction work, etc.) and the rest affecting both mandatory and discretionary domestic spending. Only a few mandatory programs, like the unemployment trust fund and, most notably, Medicare (more specifically—provider and hospital payments) are affected.Last Friday, the White House Budget Office provided an 83-page list identifying for each of 1,200 accounts what amount needed to be chopped. Medicare beneficiaries will not be subject to any reductions in their benefits. Rather, the expected $123 billion cut...
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