Group to Group: The Impact of Organizational Culture

DocumentsThe average pre-deal predictors of anesthesia group merger or acquisition success are, well, average. Economies of scale, increased opportunities, greater profits! If life, even business life, were just so simple.Having worked with countless groups, both within and without the specialty of anesthesia practice, on mergers, acquisitions and other affiliations, it’s obvious that there are other key predictive indicators as well.This article focuses on one of the most important soft, that is, non-dollar, indicators: the impact group culture has on the likelihood of success of the combined venture. Any merger, acquisition or affiliation that does not take into account the variance between the cultures of the constituent groups is doomed, at a minimum, to trouble, and much more likely, to failure.It’s possible to discuss anesthesia group culture from several perspectives. For example, we might view group culture organizationally, socially, or psychologically.But if you allow me to assume that you’re like my clients,...
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