Tips for Anesthesia Practices to Get the Surgeons to the OR on Time

On-time case starts can make the difference between profitable and unprofitable operating rooms.  There are multiple causes for late starts, among them clinical complications, unavailable instruments or supplies, unavailable laboratory reports or other paperwork, delays in room turnover and late arrivals on the part of surgeons, patients, and yes, anesthesiologists and nurse anesthetists. Almost all of the problems listed above are within the control of the anesthesiology group in charge of managing the OR.  A June 14th Outpatient Surgery Tip of the Day ( republished four tips to incentivize surgeons and anesthesiologists to arrive on time for scheduled cases.  These tips originally appeared in the November 2010 issue of Outpatient Surgery.   The article by Dan O’Connor was directed to readers who manage both types of physician, but the strategies can be implemented (or at least proposed) by a practice that provides an anesthesiologist-medical director.  Tip No. 1:  Make wake-up calls.  An...
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