Defining Anesthesia Profitability

Defining Anesthesia Profitability
Anesthesia profitability has been defined in many ways over the years, but rarely has it been defined in a way that actually relates to the fundamental economics of the specialty. Physician anesthesiologists used to define it in terms of their own compensation. A profitable practice was one where the physicians earned a good income. This assumed th...
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912 Hits

The Pros and Cons of Automated Anesthesia Records

The Pros and Cons of Automated Anesthesia Records
Vendors of automated anesthesia record systems would have you believe they are practically god's gift to the specialty of anesthesia. They will capture more information about each anesthetic more conveniently and report it back more legibly than paper records ever could. They will also enhance the completeness and accuracy of billing by ensuring th...
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1010 Hits

Compliance Imperatives For 2023: Priorities For Anesthesia And Pain Practices

Compliance Imperatives For 2023: Priorities For Anesthesia And Pain Practices
"Plan the work, and work the plan," as the old saying goes. Where would any of us be without taking the time to plot a strategy for success as it pertains to education, career, relationships or even the annual summer excursion. Everything worth attaining requires at least some measure of forethought. The Office of Inspector General (OIG) of the U.S...
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785 Hits

Chronic Pain Management Update

Chronic Pain Management Update
Many of our clients have not made a significant commitment to the management of chronic pain, but it is a constant topic of conversation during strategic planning sessions. For many anesthesiologists, chronic pain is perceived as a logical line of care extension. Afterall, the specialty of anesthesia focuses on spinal and nerve anatomy and the use ...
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776 Hits

Predicting Anesthesia Revenue Potential for 2023

Predicting Anesthesia Revenue Potential for 2023
As we close out 2022, most of our clients are wondering what their revenue will be for calendar 2023. It is a very good and useful question. The fact is that there are three distinct variables in the revenue equation, and each has been impacted by a variety of internal and external factors. The three factors are the volume of cases, the acuity of c...
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804 Hits