Simplify Anesthesia Information Management with F1RSTAnalytics

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F1RSTAnalytics - Access to Information Made Easier!

Dashboards, analytics and solutions that keep you in the know.

Today there is more clinical and business management data associated with pain management practices than ever before. However, with all of this data, clients are experiencing data overload. They are struggling to make sense of what matters and what the data tells them so that they can make productive business decisions. Traditionally, you had to run hundreds of reports and sift through thousands of pages to learn what may or may not have changed during the past the month, the quarter, or year. With so many priorities and so little time, many choose to postpone reviewing critical anesthesia reports.

In this era of big data, new tools, methods, and approaches had to be developed to address this data overload. Rather than have users “pull” data via reports, the concept of dashboards was developed that allows data to be presented to users. The use of data analytics determines what is important. Each dashboard is a visual display of the most important measures needed to achieve one or more objectives. Access is through our F1RSTClient secure client portal, you will find our list of dashboards, performance reports and the data analytics. These will continue to grow as your practice needs change.

You live in a busy world and you’re always on the go. Our dashboards run on laptops as well as mobile devices, giving you actionable insight at your convenience.

F1RSTAnalytics is a suite of dashboards and reports that give you the knowledge you need to operate your anesthesia practice as an effective clinical organization and successful business. Actionable insight when you need it.

F1RSTAnalytics - Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Dashboard
Helps you quickly understand what’s going on and what you need to focus on within your business.

F1RSTAnalytics - Accounts Receivable (AR) Dashboard
Helps you quickly understand where you may have issues with your AR.